by baumrinde & sternfänger
Salzburg, Austria
N 47° 46.520′ E 013° 12.190′

Deep in the Strubklamm (gorge) outside of Salzburg, Austria, lies a geocache that is sure to provide a thrill. A quick glance at the cache page for GC14D8W reveals that this difficulty 5, terrain 5 cache is far from a park and grab. Attributes “May require swimming,” “Climbing gear required,” “Dangerous area,” and “Cliffs/falling rocks nearby” hint at what you can expect from a journey to this Geocache of the Week.

Since this geocache was first featured as Geocache of the Week in 2011, it has been found only 116 times. While the cache averages about ten finds per year, it has also gone unfound for up to two years at a time. Hidden on the banks of the idyllic Almbach River, this geocache begs to be found. Do you have the skill and bravery that it takes to find this geocache?

Image by PaMi21.

Both physical and mental preparation are necessary for an excursion to this geocache. Once geared up in a wetsuit, helmet, and climbing harness, you descend into the gorge. Before long, you reach the edge of a cliff. The only way to proceed? Jump! After a 42 foot (13 meter) descent, you find yourself immersed in an ice-cold pool of water.

Image by Ökoheinz.

At this point, a one kilometer swim is in store. You navigate obstacles such as rocks and rapids, making for an energizing experience. As you get closer to the cache, teamwork becomes necessary to navigate the rough terrain.

Image by klo25.

Finally, GZ is within sight — a grassy outcropping perched above the river. The cache, a plastic container holding a logbook and perhaps a few other items, awaits. With STRUBKLAMM officially logged, it’s time to dry off and start planning your next difficulty 5, terrain 5 geocache outing!

Image by GPearl.

Continue to explore some of the most amazing geocaches around the world. Check out all of the Geocaches of the Week on the Geocaching blog. If you would like to nominate a Geocache of the Week, fill out this form.

Source: Geocaching

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