by Piepsi Panic
Bayern, Germany
N 49° 27.590′ E 011° 50.200′

Waka Waka Waka! This Pac-Man™-themed geocache is every gamer’s dream!
Located in the most unexpected places is the world’s smallest game of Pac-Man. Do you have what it takes to beat the game and find our Geocache of the Week, High Score! (GC8HAJP)?

Cache owner Piepsi Panic created this gadget cache at the beginning of 2020 and has already accumulated nearly 100 logs and 60 Favorite points. Geocachers need patience and determination to beat this micro game of Pac-Man and log the cache.

The geocache is not found in an arcade but rather tucked away in the trees. geocachers have plenty of time away from the eyes of non-geocachers to navigate their way through the maze while avoiding the infamous ghosts.

At ground zero is a box that looks like an electrical box; do not be alarmed; it’s not a real electrical box, and it’s all part of the game. Locate a hidden key nearby to access the box and open it to reveal a mini arcade. Bright lights shine from inside as soon as the door swings open, SWAG and the game sit waiting for each geocacher.


The lights can be distracting, but the fun is just beginning. While completing the mini Pac-Man game is not required to sign the log, it’s too exciting to pass up. Could you get a high score? After successfully avoiding all the ghosts and eating all the dots, it’s time to swap some trackables and SWAG and ink your username in the logbook on the top shelf before closing up the cache.

Image by lichtkunst_.

It’s not every day you get to play a working mini-arcade game to find a geocache, especially a classic one like Pac-Man! Waka Waka Waka!

Continue to explore some of the most amazing geocaches around the world. Check out all of the Geocaches of the Week on the Geocaching blog. If you would like to nominate a Geocache of the Week, fill out this form.

Source: Geocaching

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