by haws24
Utah, United States
N 41° 10.754 W 112° 07.171

Oh, to be a child again! Nothing brings back the feeling of childhood quite like climbing to the top of a treehouse. Everything on the ground below looks tiny, and the world seems completely carefree. Spark childhood joy with this whimsical Geocache of the Week, Grandpa Wayne’s Treehouse.

The distance from the street to the geocache is only about 100 feet, but this Traditional Cache is far from an average park and grab. Placed in 2021, GC9DY1E has received 32 Favorite points out of 45 total finds. The geocache description tells the story of the cache owner’s grandfather, who originally built a playground at this location in 1983. Two decades later, the playground was rebuilt by the cache owner’s father with the addition of a massive treehouse. The cache is on private property, but the owner welcomes all to enjoy this unique play structure.

Image by The_Simpsons.

After reading the description, approach the stairs and begin the journey to the cache. The treehouse has many levels and possible pathways, so trust your geo-sense as you make your way higher and higher above the ground. Your device tells you that the geocache is just four feet away, but it doesn’t consider the many possible elevations at which the cache could hide. The hint provides additional details that help narrow down the search area.

Image by MountainHobbit.

As you ascend, your target becomes visible—an ammo can. Use the combination on the geocache page to open the lock. Then, sign the log and trade for a Grandpa Wayne’s Treehouse wooden nickel created by the cache owner.

Image by haws24.

After you put the geocache back as you found it, turn around and take in the view. Like a bird perched on a branch, you are in the middle of the canopy of a large deciduous tree. A light breeze sways the branches as you make your way towards one of the many slides which offers transportation back to the ground. Thanks to Grandpa Wayne’s Treehouse, your geocaching game has reached new heights!

Image by oldmanolsen.

WOW! This is one of those rare times that I wish I could give several favorite points to a geocache. Everything about this is AMAZING. Great work on the entire treehouse, and thank you for putting a cache here to share it with others! Found the container in good condition, signed the log and took some time to admire the view. Of course, I had to take the slide down on the way back to the car. Again, this is perhaps my favorite geocache I’ve found in my 12 years of caching. Thank you SO much for bringing me here!” – ADKer

Continue to explore some of the most amazing geocaches around the world. Check out all of the Geocaches of the Week on the Geocaching blog. If you would like to nominate a Geocache of the Week, fill out this form.

Source: Geocaching

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